Surebond SB-190 Everseal Adhesive Sealant
Snow Retention Accessories
For Sno Gem® Products

Surebond SB-190 Everseal Adhesive Sealant in clear is a recommended accessory for all metal roof system applications. When applied to the snow guard’s base and entire perimeter (4 sides), it creates a bond and watertight seal with the metal roof system, ensuring proper installation.

- Original Polycarbonate™ Snow Guard
- Original Polycarbonate™ Snow Guard with Inset Base
- Retrofit Original Polycarbonate™ Snow Guard
- 2” Wide Junior Polycarbonate™ Snow Guard
- 1.5” Wide Junior Polycarbonate™ Snow Guard
- Original Metal™ Snow Guard
- Half Carat Metal™ Snow Guard